Saturday, October 8, 2011


Class, I've created this blog primarily so that you can give me feedback about the class anonymously. My hope is that if any of you are feeling consummately frustrated this will enable you to articulate your frustrations without fear of reprisal. You are also welcome to come to me in person to talk to me about what may be troubling you as well. I will try to give honest, clear, and empathetic responses.

As stated above, you should be able to post anonymously without my having any knowledge of your identity. Please, be respectful. You can be critical, but please do so without being slanderous, or vulgar. If anything slanderous or vulgar is posted it will be deleted.

Your comments will be taken more seriously if they are somewhat articulate and seem to be founded in some degree of reality. Realistic suggestions would be appreciated as well. Please think through your comments and suggestions, however, and recognize that some things are simply wishful thinking (example: "We should only have 3 projects all semester long!"). Also try to be specific so that I actually have some idea of what might be done to address your concern. If, for instance, one of you were to leave the comment: "This class is way too hard!", it would be very difficult for me to discern what aspect of the class you might be referring to. It would be better to say something like: "I do not feel we are receiving sufficient technical instruction and I do not understand parts of the processes that we are learning well enough to do them correctly."

Once again, you are welcome to send me an e-mail or talk to me in person if you feel that you are having trouble, but if you would prefer to give some feedback anonymously, you may do so here.


1 comment:

  1. "You might be tempted to skip acid-resistant gloves and safety goggles. You might be thinking, ::voice pitches higher:: 'What if the Daniels see me?!'"
